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Unite Me (2014)

by Tahereh Mafi(Favorite Author)
3.8 of 5 Votes: 17
0062327968 (ISBN13: 9780062327963)
review 1: Unite Me By Tahereh Mafi ( Destroy me and fracture me novellas ) *4stars*So after reading the first two books in trilogy, i wanted to read the two novellas before reading the third book. I didn't love this book as much as what i have loved the other two which is the main reason why i gave this book 4 stars. However, i think this was due to the fact it goes over the same story but from another characters point of view. I did find it interesting reading from both Adam and Warner's view and seeing what event they saw differently to Juliette. It just didn't grip me the way the other two books did. But i WILl ( Most definitely) be reading Ignite me over the Christmas break (Hopefully before the next year )
review 2: OH MY GOD THIS BOOK.Let's just talk about Destroy
... moreMe. God, it broke my heart. If you read Warner's novella and you still find him a terrible person, we disagree horribly. Warner was revealed to us in his novella for who he really is and I find that Warner is just plain perfection and all e does is an act.Hmm... Fracture Me. Adam's novella ruined my opinion of him. Seeing how Adam thinks, who he really is, made me so damn mad at him. I just can't stop thinking about how he always underestimates Juliette and he's just terrible.Honestly, I think Adam is toxic for Juliette. less
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I'm giving this 4 stars because I loved Warners part but I hated Adams.
Well, I wrote a long review and it deleted, so I'm done now. :/
Its so perfect Juliette's journal was amazing!
Re-read in October 2014!
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