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GoGo Monster (2009)

by Taiyo Matsumoto(Favorite Author)
3.99 of 5 Votes: 2
1421532093 (ISBN13: 9781421532097)
review 1: Tekkon Kinkreet is a better graphic novel than GoGo Monster, in my opinion. But GoGo Monster is still pretty amazing. I think part of what makes me like Tekkon Kinkreet more is its sprawling nature--the entire city, in all its glorious detail, is such an integral part of the story. In GoGo Monster, the setting is also important and seems to take on a life of its own. But it's a very isolated space. 99% of this graphic novel takes place within the confines of an elementary school. At times it felt claustrophobic. Was this Matsumoto's intention? The man certainly knows what he's doing, so I'll go ahead and say YES. I will admit that this isolation makes the understated simplicity of the ending even sweeter--perhaps one of my favorite endings to a graphic novel.So mu... morech of this story lies in the details. It's really beautiful. And I like that Matsumoto can take a story about an outcast elementary school student and transform it into a metaphysical horror story. The only character that I felt "meh" about was IQ--the kid who wears a box over his head. Sometimes it seemed like his only purpose was to explain things (or occasionally to make things more confusing...ahhh!)Overall, I found this story perplexing and thought-provoking. The kind of graphic novel that you finish and a few days later want to read again. Matsumoto's drawings are flawless and he tells a damn good story. Well worth checking out.
review 2: Tachibana sees things that other third graders do not: the world of the others led by their boss, Super Star. But something seems to be going wrong and Super Star is no longer answering when Tachibana calls.Hmmm, this was pretty weird, even for Matsumoto. And yet, I really liked it. It was creepy, disturbing, and strange, while also being beautiful, sad, and moving. Can't really describe it, you just have to read it for yourself. less
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Elementary school is a scary place.
beware another world in your mind
This is a beautiful book.
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