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Shades And Shadows: A Paranormal Anthology (2013)

by Terri Wagner(Favorite Author)
4.36 of 5 Votes: 3
1940810027 (ISBN13: 9781940810027)
Xchyler Publishing
review 1: As a child, the ghost stories I would hear from my parents and older cousins always had a way of making me either look over my shoulder or laugh with fright as they told me some fantastical story about a person or creature I would never meet.This anthology took me back to that time. Whether it was "Music Man" and that creepy tapping at the window which caused me to look over my should more than once in the last few weeks or "Ghost Townies" that had me rolling with laughter and my heart racing as if I was the one being chased! If you are looking for a book that will fit in perfectly with the Halloween season or if you just want something to put a good scare in you, this is the book for you! I hope you all enjoy these reads as much as I did.
review 2: If you are
... morelike me and like getting scared, then this anthology is for you! It starts off really creepy and ends the same way. The short description of each story here on amazon is perfect. Right out of the gate The Music Man gave me goosebumps...just like when my dad would tell scary stories to us as kids. It was one of my favorite stories in the anthology. My favorite story was Cost of Custody by R.M. Ridley. The descriptions the writer uses to describe the paranormal beings, painted a very vivid, might I add, scary picture in my head. I would have liked this one as a full length novel! Another of my favorites that ended way too quickly was Child of the Underworld. Just as it started to get really good, it was over. This too could be made into a full novel in my opinion. Ghost Townies added some humor to the mix, while Split Ends was slow, but cute. less
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