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The Tyrant King (2012)

by Cheri Chesley(Favorite Author)
4 of 5 Votes: 3
1470085577 (ISBN13: 9781470085575)
Chesley Books
Peasant Queen
review 1: I received this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review.this is the third novel in The Peasant Queen series and luckily for the reader it continues right where the last book ended. Again I found myself getting lost in the world that Cheri Chesley has created. I loved carrying on with this book and learning what the characters were dealing with. This is an epic fantasy and it left me very curious and wanting much, much more. Plus from that ending I think I will finally get some closure on what happened to the characters from the prequel.Krystal is still the brave character that she was in the last book but now she has the added support from Jareth. They are a strong power couple and have overcame a lot. I liked meeting the new characters and finding out h... moreow some of them fit into the twisted family tree. I'm very excited to revisit old characters that I thought were off the grid in the next book.I need the next book! I need to know how all of the characters that I have grown so close to end up. I would recommend this epic fantasy series to, of course fantasy readers.
review 2: This was a fun read. Krystal was the Peasant Queen so some of what I say here will be a spoiler for the Peasant Queen. Now that she's married to King Jareth and they have a son and her Sister-in-law's wedding is coming fast, we get to meet the son of King Greggory (the bad guy from the Peasant Queen.) But Krystal didn't know Greggory had a son, so his arrival is a surprise. One they aren't sure what to think of.Donovan is a good looking friendly type guy, but you can't help wondering about his motives. He comes to the castle to attend his cousin's wedding, and get a feel for the people and life there. Then he shows his true colors as an angry and jealous man. He wants what would have been his had his father lived to give him the kingdoms he gained by his own betrayals. Donovan demands the kingdoms be given to him, and when he's refused he wages war against them. Krystal isn't your common queen. She grew up on a farm and has some ideas that aren't quite in line with a perfect queen, but she isn't going to let anyone stop her from protecting the people and country she loves. Krystal even gets to work some magic, but she doesn't solve her problems with magic, she gets into things by pulling up her sleeves and using a sword. (something I loved since magic can't take care of everything.)There is sweetness and romance. Kissing and babies, but you don't have to worry about it being inappropriate. No blushing going on here. The romance is throughout the story. The characters are all well developed and I found myself really rooting for them. Though there is war and fighting, and one scene where there's a bit of blood, it isn't going to give you nightmares either. I'd recommend this book to anyone. But I'd also suggest you read the others first. They are available in print or ebook form. less
Reviews (see all)
I really enjoyed this second book about Krystal and Jareth. I hope the next book comes soon!
Without a doubt my favorite series of all times!!! Soooooo good
Clever lead and good plot.
The best yet!
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