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Heidegger şi Un Hipopotam Intră Pe Porţile Raiului (2009)

by Thomas Cathcart(Favorite Author)
3.61 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: They say that laughter is the best best medicine .. If you need a dose then look no further! The subject is death and immortality..the object is to inform via the famous observant philosophers along with cartoonists, to poke fun at the great questions by notable comics and well a researched "narrative" to enable the "common man/woman" to reach his/her conclusions...A very enjoyable romp..I loved Socrates' final words.. Some great wisdom to enlighten the generations. No!, ..purportedly he advised those at his bedside that " I owe Asclepius a rooster!..
review 2: If you're looking to quickly absorb the essential perspectives of the great philosophers on the weighty topic of life, death and the afterlife, skip this one. It's too frivolous to even qualify as Philos
... moreophy Lite. Between a succession of groan-worthy jokes and cartoons, the authors do squeeze in tidbits from the pantheon of philosophers from Aristotle and Plato to Woody Allen, but the jokey tone drowns any substance they may have. I was left scratching my head as to what kind of reader would find this sort of thing entertaining--or useful. less
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Can you ever have enough Soren Kierkegaard jokes? I think not.
Funny but unclear regarding the philosophic concepts.
Funny. Very funny.
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