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On Christmas Eve (2010)

by Thomas Kinkade(Favorite Author)
4.31 of 5 Votes: 3
0425236927 (ISBN13: 9780425236925)
Berkley Hardcover
Cape Light
review 1: As usual, Thomas Kincade does it again! His stories are charming, warm-hearted and sentimental. They are like old-fashioned soap operas set in the fictitious town, Cape Light. I really enjoyed it. I have read many books of the Cape Light series and am planning to read more! I wish Thomas Kincaide was still alive, so he could write more stories and paint more pictures! What a shame and what a loss that he passed. So glad that he was around to fill our world with beauty and wonder!
review 2: I know, I know – another Christmas book. It must be because it’s so hot outside. We haven’t even been able to go to Hersheypark this week because it has been in the 90s every afternoon and I just can’t take the heat!This is actually Book 11 in the Cape Light se
... moreries focusing on life in a small New England town. While you could read this on its own, it would probably be more enjoyable if you read them in order. The narration flips back and forth between Lucy and Betty’s stories, both of which touch on the areas of love, family, career, charity and faith.I have always found these books to be a pleasure to read, with good writing and a comforting message of hope, and On Christmas Eve didn’t disappoint. less
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A wonderful Christmas story, and easy read, but heart-warming and inspirational.
A nice Christmas story (actually two interwoven stories).
another great Christmas story.
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