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The Riptide Ultra-Glide (2013)

by Tim Dorsey(Favorite Author)
3.79 of 5 Votes: 5
0062092782 (ISBN13: 9780062092786)
William Morrow
Serge Storms
review 1: Serge Storms, the serial killer protagonist of this series of wacky Florida comedies, is one of my favories. His love of all things Florida and his remarkable murder techniques never fail to draw a laugh. Tim Dorsey knows his state, and his nut cases, and wraps them this time in a fast paced journeyu through the Sunshine States pain pill mills, and criminal subcultures. All the while, Serge Storms and his drug addled pal Coleman keep up a lightning pace that make the pages turn themselves
review 2: I love Tim Dorsey, and I love the tales of Serge Storms, his anti-hero star throughout each novel. Recent books I found have been a little less interesting than the classics of Florida Roadkill and The Stingray Shuffle, almost as if the prolific writer is "going thr
... moreough the motions." Still entertaining, but recent novels have lost something.I found Riptide Ultra-Glide to be better than Dorsey's recent work, and it's managed to engage me to the point where I'll eagerly read Tiger Shrimp Tango (his next and newest book), rather than reading it out of habit, which is admittedly how I started reading this book.If you like Dorsey, this one is one of the best one's he's written in awhile. less
Reviews (see all)
One good character, hard to suspend my disbelief on the story and other characters.
one of the funniest in the entire Serge A. Storms series
I can't get enough of Serge, the lovable serial killer!
Tim Dorsey's books are always a fun ride!
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