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Nine Lives (2000)

by Tom Barber(Favorite Author)
4.1 of 5 Votes: 4
Sam Archer
review 1: An impressive thriller by author Tom Barber, "Nine Lives" is non stop high velocity action. This book is pure high voltage from the very first page all the way through to it's conclusion. Set in London, an elite group of police are assembled for special or extraordinary of crimes. The "Armed Response Unit" or ARU as it is known and is lead by led by Director Tim Cobb. In the United States we would call it a SWAT Team. Just in time for New Year's a two bit criminal named Dominick Farha has put together a team of misfit criminals with a bold plan to terrorize London. The ARU quickly gets onto case. The youngest agent at 26 is Sam Archer who is best friends with colleague Danny "Chalky" White. Archer and "Chalky" bravely go over and above the call of duty in pursuit of the ... morebad guys. The team also gets some assistance from the DEA and a "Mossad" agent Shapira. The story line rolls unstoppable through this book. It was just impossible to put down. Plenty of action, emotions, and some terror throughout. The characters are very well defined. Complete with some good depth, even most of the bad guys. This book travels from Riyadh, Paris, and into London. I've already started reading the second in the series, and have downloaded the third onto my Kindle. Without a doubt 5 stars out of 5 . This is a book not to be missed by those who like action thrillers. I think entire series will deliver like a freight train at top speed. Author Tom Barber has a winner on his hands with Sam Archer. Check it out, you'll love it !
review 2: Finally finished it. Passable plot, which is why I kept reading. A good twist with one character, and another twist I had figured out with a second character. I don't really know why the book's title features Sam Archer; he didn't play any more significant role than a couple of other characters. Many flaws in the execution of the plot, including the second last target being open on a Sunday. The writing is amateurish, with way too many gerunds hanging around. After reading the author's background, he doesn't have experience with police procedure or SWAT type teams. He doesn't seem to have served in the military. The ARU spent an awful lot of time standing around, waiting for a lead when time was of the essence. If not for a nosy little old lady, an alert hotel concierge, a couple of on-the-ball subway cops, and Nikki in intelligence, they wouldn't have had the opportunity to save the day. Will not be reading more in the series. less
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Great book, fast paced and thrilling. Especially good (and scary) for people living in London.
The new special terrorist unit was called in early on New Years Eve to fine 9 bombers.
absolutely awesome. ..what an amazingly fast paced story...just couldn't put it down!
Good book. Wonder if he will continue with the character in the future.
Great. I will read more in this series.
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