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The Drained Brains Caper (2010)

by Trina Robbins(Favorite Author)
3.18 of 5 Votes: 4
0761356355 (ISBN13: 9780761356356)
Graphic Universe
Chicagoland Detective Agency
review 1: Megan, new in town, finds Raf working behind the counter at a pet store and befriends him. She is a new student at Stepford Preparatory Academy, where she discovers that all the kids are under mind control devised by Dr. Vorshak. As she is shackled by the doctor for her own mind treatment, Megan is saved by Raf and the evil doctor's plan destroyed. They rescue a dog which was used in experiments (which rendered him able to speak) and together form the Chicagoland Detective Agency. Graphic novel. Frames are easy to follow and the illustrations are decent, although in black and white (I think the author was going for a 1950's feel).
review 2: Cute story about a couple of kids who discover some very weird happenings in their town. The art by Tyler Page is well-s
... moreuited to the subject matter, and his characters are both appealing and well-designed. The story from the renowned Trina Robbins has the right general tone, but the telling is sometimes very old-fashioned in its approach, and can throw a reader used to modern comics. (For instance, it's not unusual for her characters to jump from one emotional beat to the next in moments, without any of the expected transitions which generally smooth such changes.) All in all, it's a pretty decent kids' book - especially given the graphic novel's exceptionally low price point - and even if it doesn't deliver on all levels, it does score often enough to make an entertaining read. I mean, heck - halfway through, they meet a talking dog who was raised on detective noir. And how awesome is THAT?! less
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Super simple graphic novel. Too simple for my tastes, but this format does have its own audience.
Great graphic novel about zombies and computers. Wish there was more color!
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