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More Glimpses Of Heaven: Inspiring True Stories Of Hope And Peace At The End Of Life's Journey (2010)

by Trudy Harris(Favorite Author)
4.12 of 5 Votes: 1
0800734408 (ISBN13: 9780800734404)
Fleming H. Revell Company
review 1: This book was a very simple read. It was different accounts of what happens to patients, as a hospice nurse, while they are crossing from this life into Heaven. This book was so special to me as I began to see a pattern in how we cross over and who is there to help us ease into the thought of this. It was different with children then it was adults, none the less ALL people were given comfort in who the Lord sent over to help them cross over. I have never really looked at death as "peaceful or beautiful" as the book states, in reading this book though I can understand. These people were not afraid since they had already encountered visits from Jesus himself, past loved ones or angels, to help them make their journey to Heaven. These visits would be anywhere from just v... moreisiting to telling them they will be bringing them to Heaven next visit. It really shows you God's love for His children and that we are never alone. I would highly recommend this book to anyone of strong faith or especially someone lacking in faith. Great book! I really do have an even better understanding of just how much God's promise to never leave us really is true. We are never alone.
review 2: More Glimpses of Heaven is Trudy Harris's second book on death and dying. As a hospice nurse, she and other hospice nurses share touching, peaceful stories of people as they are dying and/or die. The experiences she shares are varied, interesting and touching. I was most struck by the peace that accompanies acceptance of one's dying state. One reader said, "Hope, love, comfort, and peace fill each page." I agree.This is a great resource for anyone who works with dying people as it will help her realize her role in helping patients embrace their situation.It's a great resource for the dying as it will help them see the possibilities of peace, satisfaction, and comfort even in dying.For the people who love the terminally ill, it will help them see their role as a sacred one in which they can facilitate the embracing of the dying process. They will be mentored by people who have excelled in walking people through their last days on earth and made those last days sacred ones.Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group. less
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Jesus says "I am with you always" and that includes our journey into death. A very comforting read.
Inspiring stories of God's presence during the "cross over" to the next life with Him!
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