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Thinking Statistically (2000)

by Uri Bram(Favorite Author)
3.67 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Very simple book, easy to read. It describes many situations where you should be using a statistical thinking through 3 chapters. Good introduction for someone completely new to the subject, and /or without a mathematical background. First chapters is about selection (bias). Examples like the 1948 presidential election, where selection bias ruined the prediction of the outcome of the election. The biased was towards the people in the surveys ( by phone) , mainly republicans and not representative of the whole population Second chapter is about endogeneity. Main idea is that correlation does not imply causation. Third chapter talks about Bayes, and how you can improve your predictions based on plausible priors
review 2: Excellent read about basic statistical is
... moresues. Very accessible to even those without a math background.The author covers three main issues:1) Selection Bias2) Endogenity (When something in the error measure you use contains a variable that is related to the thing you are measuring) 3) Bayes Theorem A good pick up for those looking to review some key terms during a statistical course; or for those just looking to familiarize themselves more with the issues above.Some down-to-earth examples are used that make the review fun. The author uses relationships; legal cases; and even zombies to make the topic easier to understood. less
Reviews (see all)
Quite technical in bits even though the author promises not to be too technical ... probably :-)
Short, just an appetizer.Worth reading for the Bayes' theorem explanation.
Short but enjoyable, interesting to see concepts put so easily.
Very poor and basic. Not well explained.
So far this book is brilliant!
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