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Postcards From Nam (2000)

by Uyen Nicole Duong(Favorite Author)
3.23 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: This novella was a reduced-price kindle offer, an Amazon "reward." I took it, I read it, and I even finished it. Notes at the end seemed to be a professor's study guide, and somewhere I read this author has been or is currently a college professor. If the book had been used for that purpose, I would have rated it much higher. I also read that originally this book was much longer and was shortened to fit the classroom model. Perhaps, if I could have read the longer version, I might raise the rating. As it is, it seemed a bit choppy, jumping from scene to scene and idea to idea too hastily. The subject-Boat People and the evacuation of Saigon--is an important one. I hope to read more of this author.
review 2: This is a very compelling novella that I read in one
... more day. I did not know initially that it was part of a three book series. I liked it so much I just downloaded the other two and I'm looking forward to reading them. I was an adolescent went the Vietnam war was raging. I had/have absolutely no knowledge of the actual culture of Vietnam. I really enjoyed learning about what it was like for the "boat people" through this book. It was a real education into an area that I had so little knowledge of. Of course, this isn't the gist of the book. The story itself is a fascinating journey. How immigrants can live their dreams in America resonates with my own family history. But the childhood nightmares of the immigrants are never buried far enough under the surface to stay hidden. The author takes on that journey too! less
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Not as good as her other book but an interesting read especially Agen on trip to Vietnam.
I;m not finished going to start this one now.....
Beautifully written.
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