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Counting Back From Nine (2012)

by Valerie Sherrard(Favorite Author)
3.23 of 5 Votes: 5
1554552451 (ISBN13: 9781554552450)
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
review 1: I thought counting back from nine was a well written book that was able to make you have certain feelings towards some characters. I liked how it was written in poems and although it wasn't as memorable, it did remind me of libertad. Some of the things that I didn't like in this story were the more unrealistic events like when Larens "friends" weren't there for her in a time of need or some of the reactions from the characters. Overall, I thought it was an okay book but if the author were able to make it more realistic I think I would've enjoyed it more.
review 2: This book I thought would be a kind of romantic type book, I guess. but it was more about a tragedy in the main characters life her name is Laren (rhymes with Karen) she had some problems in her life
... morebut it was still a good book. the entire book is written as a poem, it was cool but I'm not sure what kind of poem it was, it was still cool. I thought I was actually pretty good because I thought It would be romantic but it was only like 10 pages in the whole book. so overall I liked it and would recommend it. it was short and not a lot of words but still had detail so it was good and I liked it so I would say it was a great book. less
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Loss, love, and betrayal in this coming of age story makes for some good drama.
It is a good book although it got a little bit boring towards the end.
Same old same old.
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