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Valley Of Death, Zombie Trailer Park (2010)

by William Bebb(Favorite Author)
3.63 of 5 Votes: 2
Hands on Productions & Publications
review 1: I snagged this off Amazon for free. Judging by the title I thought it was going to be some silly zombie book. Was I ever wrong! From the start you are thrown in the action. The characters are well developed and you form a bond quickly. I love the two different types of zombies running around. Throw in a killer snake and some Redneck meth cookers to add to the mix. Loved how the guy who started it all got it in the end, Who knew a trailer park could be one awesome place for a zombie uprising.
review 2: This book was GREAT! I wasn't expecting much after I read the forward (haha, though) but it was a fairly quickly paced book that kept me wanting to read more and more. I enjoyed the characters, there was fantastic background development that wasn't too much, but
... moremade you feel like you knew them. I was really excited to continue reading about everyone in the sequel, Zombies of All Hallows Evil, but when the book cut off I was bummed I didn't have the rest on hand to finish :) less
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Could have been better edited. See my review on lurid-lit.com.
Awesome !!!!!!!!!
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