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Escaping Home (2013)

by A. American(Favorite Author)
4.14 of 5 Votes: 2
0142181293 (ISBN13: 9780142181294)
Going Home
review 1: Finished the 4 book Survivalist series - good stuff for those interested in the Prepper / Survivalist / Post-Apocalyptic genre. All in all a worthwhile read. The scenario is a bit overly anti-government with too-polar bad guys and good guys. The characters are mostly pretty well done except for Sarge and his team who are caricatures. The author throws in enough factual survival techniques to make it enjoyable. It kept me reading, and looking forward to more so I recommend the series.
review 2: Story: 4.5 stars / Shortening book to cliff-hanger ending to sell book four: 1 starI've been loving this series, but was dissatisfied with the way this one ended. I was wondering why this one was so much shorter than the others, and I found out why -- unlike the others, t
... morehis one leaves a major plot line as the characters prepare to resolve it. I hate cliff hangers! It's a slimy way of selling the next book in a series, and that wasn't necessary here I would have read book 4 anyway. Due to the shortened length of this book, I suspect those chapter were even written, and it was decided to hold them back to stretch a trilogy out longer. OK, no more ranting. I guess I'm mainly just annoyed that I'll have to wait to find out what happens. Even without cliff hanger endings, I've been reading these books one right after another. That says a lot for how enjoyable they are to read. The most frustrating thing of all -- the next one won't be published for a couple more months (sigh) less
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Seriously ... That's how this ends? There better be a 4th book on the way soon.
Another very good read from author A. Americam
Excellent story.
Great Series
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