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Amori E Malintesi (1908)

by Ada Leverson(Favorite Author)
3.29 of 5 Votes: 5
889691907X (ISBN13: 9788896919071)
Little Ottleys
review 1: Ça se lit très rapidement. Les chapitres sont très courts. Mais les personnages sont très peu développés. La seule qui est sympathique est Edith. Mais son mari quel horreur! Comment a-t-elle pu le marier. Et tout le monde qui est amoureux d'Hyacinth. J'ai jamais réussi à comprendre pourquoi, le personnage est tellement peu développé. La fin est brusque. Et au final, l'histoire est assez mince.ça vaut la peine d'être lu quand même pour le côté humoristique est britannique. Aussi, c'est un ebook gratuit sur le site de Kobo.
review 2: Hyacinth is young, beautiful and popular with her London social set. So why does she fall in love with Cecil, who is in love with Eugenia, on older, plain widow? And why does Eugenia want to marry Cecil's uncle, since
... moreshe admits she doesn't love him any more than she loves Cecil? And how does Hyacinth's friend Edith stand her arrogant prig of a husband, Bruce? Actually, it seems that no one can stand Bruce.I had never heard of Leverson but the blurb on the back cover of Oscar Wilde calling her the wittiest woman in the world convinced me that I had to try this and I wasn't disappointed. This book moves quickly with short chapters and characters all bumping into each other and gossiping about what each has seen and heard and showing the ridiculous lengths people will go to attract their 'ideal' and the unhappiness that success can bring. Here's a brief dialogue between husband and wife:Bruce: "Odd. Very odd you should get it into your head that I should have any idea of leaving you. Is that why you're looking so cheerful-laughing so much?"Edith: "Am I laughing? I thought I was only smiling." less
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This was delightful, except why did Edith ever marry Bruce? It's an absurdity.
Sort of insipid and not very fruitful reading.
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