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Ladies And Gentlemen. Adam Ross (2000)

by Adam Ross(Favorite Author)
3.62 of 5 Votes: 1
0224087746 (ISBN13: 9780224087742)
Jonathan Cape
review 1: This story collection is dark, funny and undeniably captivating. Adam Ross clearly lets you know what each story is "about" without anything ever coming across as too heavy handed. Throughout each tale his characters are impossibly real and fleshed out so well that I often found myself believing they are out there somewhere in the world, leading their lives just as Ross depicts them. These are the stories adults might tell around the campfire to scare one another, each listener tensely sitting near the edge of the flames and as their stomachs turn with that delicious mix of terror and excitement.
review 2: For a really excellent, helpful review of this title, please read Krok Zero's review. I agree with all of his points, but with about 25% less enthusiasm. Rea
... moreson being, I have a huge respect for Adam Ross's skill, but I'm a temperamental reader when it comes to short stories, and the more compelling they are, the more I want them to be novels. Almost all of these stories were great first chapters, and it really pissed me off when they stood me up at the end of the page. I especially loved the story of the two brothers somewhere towards the middle (sorry, I don't have the copy handy and I can't remember the title). The twist in this one really hit me. Ross has keen insight on personal relationships -- those we're forced with through blood and those we commit to through choice, even when we consider changing our minds. His perspective on family is very eye-opening, and I have the utmost respect for his story architecture. But enough is enough, let's get down to business and see the next novel, Ross. less
Reviews (see all)
While I liked these stories - they lacked the wicked weirdness of Mr. Peanut that I was expecting.
I liked this better than Mr. Peanut and I don't usually like short stories. Recommended.
Uneven. Many stories are narratives spoken by characters.
The whole is less than the sum of its parts
Really terrific short stories
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