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Imperfectly Perfect (2000)

by A.E. Woodward(Favorite Author)
3.93 of 5 Votes: 4
A Series of Imperfections
review 1: Imperfectly Perfect by Jamie Carollo is a story about a 29 year old woman named Emma. She lives in New York with 3 male roommates : Shane, Tyler and Rob.The closer Emma gets to thirty, she begins to question how perfect the life she has actually is. Growing up her mother and sister told her that the only way life can be perfect for a woman is if you get married, have kids and have a beautiful house. Emma never believed that and rebelled against her mother. Emma was a tomboy, played soccer and only had boys for friends.Emma’s life in New York was everything she thought she ever wanted. But after her younger sister has a baby she starts doubting everything she believed.Unfortunately she hooks up and moves in with a doctor because that is what she thinks will be perfect. Un... morefortunately life has a way of showing you that things are deceiving.All this time, Emma’s true love was right in front of her. People don’t need the house with the white picket fence and 2.2 kids to have perfection. You just need true love.This book showed what true happiness is. The story took us through Emma’s transition of discovering love. It was touching and the characters in the story were wonderful.I recommend this book to anyone looking for a fresh type of love story.
review 2: Imperfectly Perfect was such a fun and different book. I loved the dynamic between Emma and her boys. It had a very “Friends” (still one of my all time favorite shows) feel to it and was just a nice change of pace. It was light and quirky but I will admit I did shed a few tears. I loved that Emma was a strong independent woman and the boys, holy hell did I love them. I of course had a soft spot for Shane, but Tyler and Rob are just as yummy. Some of the things that come out of Rob’s mouth had me laughing so hard. If you are looking for a fun, different “love” story look no further. I was sucked in from the very first word until the very last word and I look forward to more from A.E. Woodward.4****♥ Sophie less
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Loved the storyline and really enjoy how the author writes..I could visualize everything!!! :)
LOVED this book! I can't wait to read the rest of the series!!
I enjoyed Emma and Shane's story
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