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Loch Ness Monsters And Raining Frogs: The World's Most Puzzling Mysteries Solved (2009)

by Albert Jack(Favorite Author)
3.21 of 5 Votes: 5
0812980050 (ISBN13: 9780812980059)
Random House Trade Paperbacks
review 1: My biggest beef with this book is the title-World's Most Puzzling Mysteries Solved? Really? This author went and solved these mysteries, huh? In half the chapters, he doesn't even give a theory to what he think happened. I picked it up to see how the author would go about backing up his fantastic title and the best part was even in the introduction he states that all of chapters are still unsolved mysteries. It was a quick read, and fun to get backround on some of the histories, but the style was choppy and the jokes trying too hard. Glad I got it from the library because it is not worth the money to buy.
review 2: This has a somewhat misleading title, as very few of the mysteries are solved, and many of Jack's solutions are simply his theories on likely soluti
... moreons. His style is engaging and humorous, but a little too much so for my taste, as he comes across as a David Barry-like newspaper humor columnist at times. It's a decent survey of a lot of history's more notorious mysteries though, making a good starting point for a lot of different subjects. less
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Part of my goal to read the library... NF 001-010 section.
I tried and tried but just couldn't get into this book.
Snippet read.
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