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by Alicia Roberts(Favorite Author)
3.61 of 5 Votes: 3
The Billionaire's Contract
review 1: When I first start this book I thought... .How on earth is this author pulling off a happy ending with this short story...well duh.!!! There are two more books :S dumb me LOL. I found out today this book was an amazon freeby and couldn't put it down. I enjoyed the plot because Alexis is such an independent, humble woman, down to earth and doesn't expect anything further than sex with Brad. Maybe that´s why he is feels so attracted to her. She is not pretentious and she´s fine with having some good times with him. She knows he is a millionaire, billionaire to be and that she has no opportunity on having anything else than S E X...Great sex by the way with him. He on the other hand is rich and can give her the kind of opportunity that isn´t seen everyday.... What is go... moreing to happen?!! I can´t wait to read the next....
review 2: I really liked this book! It's a change from your typical Billionaire stories and I like the slow buildup. The chemistry between the two is palpable and I like the way the story was developed. You'll like this story if you're into hot alpha males and intelligent girls. Oh yea, that was the other thing - the girl in this book is smart and intelligent, not a doormat like in most other books. It's a steamy read ;) less
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too short! omg, who writes books too short?!but, i really like it!
A bit predictable to be honest.
this was a good short story
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