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Far To Go (2011)

by Alison Pick(Favorite Author)
3.76 of 5 Votes: 3
0062034626 (ISBN13: 9780062034625)
Harper Perennial
review 1: I enjoyed this book. A fairly quick read. The cover photo (on my copy) of the young child staring out the train window, drew me in every time I picked up the book. Well written and with a surprise ending as to who is collecting and filing the letters written by the Bauers. The realities of what it must have been like to send your precious children away to be cared for was well illustrated and so heart breaking.
review 2: Following on from Ben Elton's Two Brothers another tale, based on true events as well, of a family fleeing the Nazis-except we know from history that where they flee is just another place destined to fall to the Nazi jackboot. Well written, it again conveys the building horror of the 1930s and the reluctance of many to believe that it could
... more possibly continue to it's logical conclusion-thus resulting in the terrible realisation that escape has become impossible.Very moving, and upsetting it is another lesson from history that musn't be forgotten. less
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Een mooi boek dat weer een andere kant van de Holocaust laat zien, zonder sentimenteel te worden.
This is a sleeper! A little different at the beginning, but it hooked me--couldn't put it down!
epub tuebl
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