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Shiny! (2014)

by Amy Lane(Favorite Author)
3.88 of 5 Votes: 4
1627986553 (ISBN13: 9781627986557)
Dreamspinner Press
review 1: Shiny begins with Cara and Nina’s wedding. And Nina wants to know all about how her new nephew, Will, and his boyfriend, Kenny, met. The two of them are only too happy to oblige. As stated in the synopsis above, both Kenny and Will are having terrible days. When Kenny finds his boyfriend in bed with a stranger AND Kenny’s sex toys the only logical next step is to throw out the boyfriend. AND the toys. Because gross. What Kenny never saw coming was the car that runs into his trash. But hey, might as well try to make something good out of a crappy day. And when you meet someone that will actually help you pick up your magic time accessories off the pavement then maybe you should hang out a bit longer. So they go out for drinks and quickly become fast friends. Ke... morenny is a graphic artist and Will is a web designer. As they spend more and more time together, pooling their talents to create a web comic, they begin to fall in love. Of course, neither of them realize how the other is feeling because things can never be TOO easy in a romance. Kenny is done with pointless relationships and having a crush on a straight guy is at the top of the pointless relationship list. And Will? Well, he just realized he was gay after that first night he and Kenny had drinks so he has some of thinking and adjusting to do. When Kenny decides to join the dating pool again, Will is at his house in a heartbeat. That date cannot happen. After some embarrassing drama, Will is declaring himself and Kenny is both elated and scared. Because Will was, until now, straight. And there is no way being the straight guy’s gay experiment can turn out alright. Will might be slow and steady but he isn't stupid. He finds out why Kenny is so skittish and decides to make himself indispensable. A permanent fixture in Kenny’s life. Proving to Kenny that Will isn't going anywhere. Whoever says the Queen of Angst can only do angst is wrong. Just wrong. Because this book is happy and lovely and squishy and…dare I say it….shiny. Kenny is full of worldly snark and distrust. But he’s also fun and nice so he doesn’t come across as a broken hero. Just a fun hero that has lived a little. And it’s hard not to love him when he says things like this: “I was looking for sparkly. I should have been looking for warm and real.”And Will? Well, you all know how I love forever boys and Amy just added another to my list along with her Shane (Making Promises) and Quent (Gambling Men). Will is the NICE guy. And I loved his patient persistence when it came to convincing Kenny that their relationship was the real deal. Ms. Amy Lane must have been feeling mighty generous. She didn’t make me wait to see if they get a happy ending. We know from the first page that Kenny and Will are happily together. And they are so excited and joyful to tell their story that you just KNOW that you can sit back and enjoy the read without any fear of the pain for which Amy Lane is so well known. If you are looking for a m/m romance that will make you glow from the inside out then you must read Shiny!.Nat
review 2: I liked the story line and the characters Will and Kenny. The beginning was good in that they met in a pretty funny way. I liked the way Will and Kenny's relationship started slowly with them becoming friends before they became romantically involved. But there was so much detail about the sex toys and sex scenes that the story got lost. I think the story has potential and if there had been as much detail put into the story line as in the description of the sex toys and their uses, it would have been a good novel. After reading some of the other reviews, I seem to be the one person who didn't like this book.When I won Shiny!, I was looking forward to reading it, however, it turns out I am not the target audience for this book since I am not a fan of erotica. I can't say I truly enjoyed Shiny! but I am sure others will like it. less
Reviews (see all)
A sweet story. Would've been five stars but for the back and forth.
LOVED IT!!! LOVE Amy Lane!!!!
2.5 stars
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