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You Can't Make An Omelet (2011)

by Amy Lane(Favorite Author)
3.81 of 5 Votes: 2
Dreamspinner Press
review 1: *Re-rated after reading a copy with no formatting glitches :) These two guys are a blast, a fun free-read! Looking forward seeing more of them in It's Not Shakespeare!**What's up with the jacked up formatting? I'm sure this would be a 5 if the formatting wasn't completely messed up, words overlapping, words missing, and entire paragraphs just one, like blank pages where paragraphs should have been. Still, what was there rocked ;-)
review 2: This is the kind of Amy Lane story I like - sweet and funny, minimum angst, a good dose of mischief. Two guys in an established relationship, one much much older than the other, in what seems to be a suburban neighborhood. Theirs is a relationship which obviously causes some ripples in the 'hood, but they take that with h
... moreumor and, yes, mischief (and from the unexpected source). I hope we will see these guys again and learn how they got to this point. less
Reviews (see all)
Can't wait to read more about James & Rafi! “She says our candy’s too big!" Best line ever.
I loved them! James and Rafael were great together, I can't wait to read their full story!
Short Halloween story with James and Rafael.Some tricks and some treats! ;)
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