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The Bookie's Son (2012)

by Andrew Goldstein(Favorite Author)
3.8 of 5 Votes: 3
0984824502 (ISBN13: 9780984824502)
Sixoneseven Books
review 1: This was a convincing memoir that had me checking the author's details to be sure it was in fact fiction. The life of a struggling, dysfunctional family in the Bronx--even though they call themselves the best family in the Bronx--is brought to life in a straightforward, unsentimental, vivid way. Ricky is about to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah and become a man, but there are problems: the neighbourhood bully, his secret meetings with the sexy Maya, his father's insurmountable gambling debts, his parents' troubled relationship, his mother's entanglement with the gangster Nathan. Through it all, Ricky learns about family love and loyalty, and what it means to be a man.
review 2: This was a delightful, fast-paced dark comedy about Ricky Davis,a young boy looking fo
... morerward to his Bar Mitzvah while at the same time trying to save his father from the ruthless loan shark who will execute Mr. Davis if he doesn't pay up. The whole family is wonderfully quirky and dysfunctional. For example, even in the midst of the family's huge debt crisis, Ricky's mother encourages her son and daughter to come shoplifting with her just for fun. The dialogue is pitch-perfect. less
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I loved this book. Andrew paints pictures with his words. I was engrossed from cover to cover.
Add another half star to this one. It feels so real I kept forgetting it wasn't a memoir.
I'd give it a zero if I could.
Fun read
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