Is Your Illegitimate President a White Supremacist and a Traitor?

On January 20, 2017, Donald J. Trump took the oath of office on the south portico of the White House. This was the 45th time in history when a man placed his hand on a bible and promised to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.”

I worked for the federal government for nearly two years. I issued a very similar oath of office to dozens of men and women during that time. Before I had them raise their right hands, I warned them that if they broke that oath, they could be placed in prison for up to 25 years, receive a fine of $l25,000, or both.

Trump has violated his oath many times in the nearly seven months he has been in office. What should happen to him?

In the last few days Trump has admitted to the American people that he is a white supremacist, and supports domestic terrorism.

When a president violates the Constitution, what should we say? What should be his punishment?

First of all he has violated the oath of office and this alone is cause for the immediate beginning of the impeachment process. It is not a stretch to consider prosecuting him as a traitor to the United States of America. His many ethics violations, his attempt to violate the first amendment repeatedly, and now his support of terrorists makes him more than unfit to be your illegitimate president; it makes him a criminal.

Trump has surrounded himself with the oldest, richest, and whitest advisers in modern history. All of America should have known from his despicable rallies that Trump was a racist and a bigot. Has everyone forgotten that during one of his rallies he shouted out over the crowd “where’s my African American?”

We cannot allow a man who does not represent all Americans to defile the White House. If Trump refuses to resign, he must be removed from office in any manner which presents itself. It is the duty of every citizen to save our country from the fringe elements which threaten our nation’s future.

Please re-post; thank you.

Op-ed by James Turnage


Image courtesy of DonkeyHotey

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