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Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling (2008)

by Andy Crouch(Favorite Author)
3.92 of 5 Votes: 3
0830833943 (ISBN13: 9780830833948)
IVP Books
review 1: "Culture Making" is simply marvelous. To echo the words of Gary Haugen in his recommendation for the book, "Good books are either brilliant or helpful. This is both." Crouch writes wonderfully as anthropologist, sociologist, and theologian. His ideas are presented clearly and are rooted in an ultimate motivation to see these principles lived. His thesis is simple: We are all making something of the world. That is to say, we are all making culture (for culture is what we make of the world). All our making is a quest for meaning. We cannot help but make culture because that is what it means to be created in the image of God. Crouch adds tremendous value to the conversation on Christianity in Culture by building upon (and showing deficiencies) in traditional motifs like those... more of Niebuhr. The final chapters on Grace and Community were both inspiring and pragmatic. I honestly closed the book feeling as if I have a much clearer picture of how I am called to cultivate and create in our world.
review 2: I believe the best content is that which is deep enough to permeate into every aspect of life, and this book definitely fits that. Despite being from a Christian perspective, this books taps into some of the deepest desires all humans have to be loved in community, to contribute something to the world, to enjoy others contributions.The bulk of the book is unpacking the importance of culture, as well as theological and Biblical references to our call to culture, and the last section merely touches on the mechanics of how one goes about creating culture (which seems to be the thrust of his following book, "Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power").When activism and the desire to go out and get dirty arise, this book serves as a thoughtful means of putting our human efforts into perspective of God's redemptive story of our world. less
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A great book about the impossibility of gaining the world, or changing the culture.
Rarely in a book does so much truth, goodness, and beauty flow from every line
Chapter 10 is the high point.
Absolutely outstanding
So far, eye opening.
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