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Eine Geheimnisvolle Lady Roman (2011)

by Anna Campbell(Favorite Author)
3.79 of 5 Votes: 1
3442375746 (ISBN13: 9783442375745)
review 1: Although this book has a very unique plot, I didn't like it as much as her other books. The mystery of the heroine is given away almost too soon, the Hero is supposed to be a profligate rake, but you don't see it. There is sizzling sex, but with a lot of guilt. Once again , the hero had a terrible childhood, but when he finally finds out the reason, he is redeemed, and able to love. If you like Campbell, you will probably like this book, but don't make it the 1st you read. I enjoyed "Claimimg the courtesan" better. It also had a flawed hero, as do her other books. Perhaps she studied psychology!
review 2: Have you ever read a romance novel and thought there was just too much sex? Neither had I. But about halfway through this book (which I really enjoyed), I sta
... morerted to feel like I was reading the same scenes over and over. That's my only complaint, though, if one could call it a complaint. :-)Ms. Campbell is a gifted writer whose descriptions carried me back to Regency England, into the arms of a handsome earl. (The young woman I used to be gives a big sigh there.) :-)Nice job. less
Reviews (see all)
2.5 stars it could have been better. A bit on the boring side
Intense! As Anna's books always are.
Sometimes love does conquer all..
Lacking in plot.
so much fun
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