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Her Christmas Earl: A Regency Novella (2014)

by Anna Campbell(Favorite Author)
3.95 of 5 Votes: 5
Anna Campbell
review 1: Phillipa tries to save her sister Amelia's reputation by sneaking into Lord Erskine's room at a Christmas house party to retrieve a scandalous note her sister wrote to the earl. Phillipa is caught by Erskine and to teach her a lesson about sneaking into gentlemen's bedrooms he pushes her and himself into his closet. Unfortunately, the door becomes jammed. While locked together, they learn enough about each other that when their situation turns into a scandal, plans are set in motion to marry. Blaire, Lord Erskine, isn't nearly as upset as he thought he might be as he finds Phillipa fascinating. Phillipa's family has made made her doubt herself and has not been kind to her. Her marriage to Blair helps her see things in a new light.
review 2: Christmas is coming,
... more and that means a flurry of Christmassy reads, which I always enjoy. This Regency novella is one you can easily find time to read among the rush and bustle. It's the old whoops-I-have-been-compromised theme done brilliantly well by Anna. She never writes 'ordinary', it is always beautifully done and wonderfully romantic. In this instance, shy, quiet Philippa accidentally gets caught in the Earl of Erskine's dressing room, and it all goes on from there to the HEA. Lovely. less
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I found it charming. her 2ndary characters could have used some depth.
A good Christmas read....
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