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Günahın Esiri (2010)

by Anna Campbell(Favorite Author)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 4
Epsilon Yayınları
review 1: I'm always in the market for a good angsty romance - normally I browse the paranormal romance section, but I'm delighted that branching out into historical romance led me to this gem!The hero, Sir Gideon Trevithick is as tortured as they come, which makes his journey to love all the more compelling. He believes his torture and imprisonment in India has left irrevocably damaged. He cannot save himself, but he cannot resist trying to save the battered woman he finds on the road home. Lady Charis Weston, like Sir Gideon, is more than she seems at first glance, and proves equally strong and determined to find the man beneath the physical and emotional scars.I finished the book in one day - it was that good and I definitely recommend it for all of those angst junkies out t... morehere.
review 2: Lady Charis escapes from her abusive stepbrothers who seek to marry her off for her fortune and is rescued by Gideon Trevithik, a recently returned 'acclaimed war hero' who is more messed-up than any hero I've come across all year, or close. For one, he cannot bear to be touched by anyone. But of course, it's a romance novel...I adored this book mainly because this is pretty much one x-rated hurt/comfort fantasy. If ever a novel catered specifically to my kinks, this is it - mmmmm, so perfect. Also, it's a good character piece - Charis and Gideon both feel very real and are just such very good people - genuinely good and noble despite some horrible stuff in their past. Sometime I just want to read about hot, good people having amazingly hot healing sex to cure the man out of his inability to touch anyone. Mmmm. less
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Had a good start a semi slow middle and a wonderful ending
beautifully written ,truly a brilliant book
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