You were probably not expecting to see a pole dancing pony today.
It’s time for The Nest to put another lousy song on the naughty list that is about as overhyped as toy finger monkeys. We’re rolling with the next unexciting entry in our Top 30 Iconic Songs I Can’t Stand countdown! It’s a rare I Hate the 80’s party at Nest HQ on this humpday, as DJ Scratchy and her helper Sponkies are about to drop a giant disco ball on top of this next waste of perfectly good vinyl that just isn’t all that. Time to spin this record for the last time…
#18. “You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) – Dead or Alive
There’s an old saying that continually gets updated as each generation ages that goes something like, “If you remember the (fill in the blank with some decade), you didn’t live through the (repeat decade here). Well, I lived through the 80’s… and was a little too young to be doing questionable activities in the 80’s… and yet somehow, I had no idea there was a Culture Club clone band out there named Dead or Alive, and that they had this supposedly really big hit song that has now become one of the undeniable anthems of the decade I love so much. Somehow, until all of the 80’s nostalgia began to take off around the turn of the millennium, I was unaware that this song existed. And it was blissful ignorance, believe me….
Boy George was an icon of the 80’s for having the balls to dress like a girl and sing back in the days when you could still say the word “faggot” on the MTV and win video awards. Pete Burns….. not so much. “Spin Me” wasn’t even a Top 10 hit in this country when it was released in 1985 (the UK was another story) , and I don’t think it was as big as people like to think it was at the time… certainly not enough to deserve the lofty status it seems to hold in our collective spandex clad 80’s scrapbooks these days. The band’s record label hated the song and refused to fund it, and rather than take the hint, Burns felt compelled to take out a loan to record the song and make the video…

They were just jealous of how FABULOUS I am!
Apart from the fact that this song just isn’t that good, I also despise it because Dead or Alive gets the OHW label ridiculously slapped on it for this song, despite the fact that it was only three chart positions better than this 1987 hit that radio seems to have forgotten about…
Much, much better. Both the song and the video. Gay westerns beat out gay discos any day. If the fortunes of these two songs had been swapped, I might not hold as much animosity towards the spinning song….
Nor might I hate it as much as I do had Mecca Radio not introduced me to a cover version of “You Spin Me Round” from 2006 that was recorded by none other than this talented singer….

Blondes really do do it better…
Just in case you think all blondes look alike… that is Jessica Simpson. Yes, that Jessica Simpson. I can’t believe I neglected to reserve a spot in my cover song countdown for this…
Yeah, that spicy version oughta make Pete Burns lips explode….

You need to keep spinning around and face the other way, please.
I’ll return next Wednesday with another filthy song that needs run through the spin cycle…
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