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Alles Glück Kommt Nie (2008)

by Anna Gavalda(Favorite Author)
3.45 of 5 Votes: 5
3446230572 (ISBN13: 9783446230576)
review 1: "Эта книга о истеричке, истеричке мужского пола, который совершает нелогичные поступки, бесконечно себя жалеет и которого каждые 10 страниц хочется схватить за плечи и хорошенько встряхнуть " - так я планировала начать свой отзыв, когда была на 40% книги. Процентах на 60, я уже готова была написать "это первый случай в истории моего чтения, когда мне понравилась книга, при совершенной антипатии к главному герою".После прочтения вс�... more�й книги мне хочется написать так "это книга о архитекторе, которому прочили великое будущее, но все, что он по-настоящему умеет - это строить кукольные домики."Неплохая книга, если вы доживете до ее середины.
review 2: This is a rather odd book. It reminds me of Elizabeth Goudge and Rumer Godden because nothing really seems to happen but there's a story there that's awfully compelling. This is a story about life falling apart and coming together. About life and death and living despite being dead and the slow decaying death that is a meaningless life of going through the motions.There's a main character, a man I don't particularly like and who I thought very little of until I reached the almost-end of the book. There's Anouk, who haunts the book, peeking out of corners where you didn't expect her to be. There's Claire, the man's sister, who's hard to pin down, but could have an entire book written about her as well, there's that much hidden depth to the character. There's Alexis, who moves from one extreme to the other over the course of his life. There's Mathilde, the man's sort-of-daughter, who's here and there and rather like Little Women's Jo, with appendages in odd places and in that not-quite-fitting stage of adolescence. And then, there's Kate and the village of children.I would love to have been one of Kate's children. I would have loved to have grown up there (though, really, would I? I don't know for sure...). And really, Kate forms the center of the novel, as she forms the center of the children's lives, all the while slipping out of the frame with Anouk in the distance behind her.I don't quite know how to define this book because, like Anouk and Kate, it keeps slipping out of my grasp and going where I don't expect it to go. less
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Read in French, a few years ago. Reread every summer since then. Breathtaking.
like it... in brief,love is our everything: own life, happiness and fortune
Nice book
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