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The Soulmate Secret: Manifest The Love Of Your Life With The Law Of Attraction (2008)

by Arielle Ford(Favorite Author)
3.95 of 5 Votes: 2
0061692379 (ISBN13: 9780061692376)
review 1: It was good to help with principles of vision for your life. But if you are a Christian, these are some basic guide lines you probably already practice in your faith. I think it's great that there are some other alternatives explored, but it still left me a bit confused as to how to manifest love. There were plenty of stories for encouragement, but they all were suggested that you just have to be open to whatever because you don't know how or when you'll receive it. It says get out more and live your life and someone will come up and want to join you on your journey. Or some stories state that you should just sit and wait and be patient. I've tried it all at this point and still no love of my life. But hey, it may not be for me! All in all you'll get some options on... more prayers, affirmations, vision boards, feng shui, and other techniques to open your heart up for the right person. All the best in your search!
review 2: I've been reading a lot about twin souls/twin flamess in the last year. While Arielle uses the word "soulmate", in essence she is speaking about the same thing. Her meditations and exercises are both practical and inspiring. I love how she encourages you to fall in love with yourself, let go of past relationships and old wounds that may be blocking you, become your dream partner, and use the law of attraction to bring your beloved into your life. I intend to reread this book and use the meditations often...that it, until I no longer have need of them! ;) One of the best books I've ever read about relationships. less
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This book was very inspiring, totally change my perspective on searching for love.
Amazing book... manifest the love of your life by loving yourself.
The power of positive thinking and patience.
Am rereading, immediately.
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