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O Amor Wabi Sabi (2012)

by Arielle Ford(Favorite Author)
3.35 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: It's a fact that happily married couples fight as often as couples headed for divorce, so what's the difference? It's how the disagreements are handled. The four deadly sins are Critism, Contempt, Defensiveness and Stonewalling. Need help breaking down your own defenses so you are a better communicator then I would recommend Wabi Sabi Love. A bit repeative but full of wonderful, real-life, illustrations; my favorite, the wife who's husband loves poppyseed bagels and eats one everyday. You can follow the trail of poppyseeds from the kitchen, across the house, and into his study. One day as she is fuming about cleaning up the mess she realizes that if there were no poppyseeds there would be no husband and she changes her attitude from one of anger to apprecia... moretion.
review 2: Modern Lovers: take note of Arielle Ford, the smart couple's guide to thriving in an enduring relationship.I've read a Dr. Laura book, and I can tell you to forget Dr. Laura and the Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage book she wrote.Arielle Ford espouses a lot of the same things yet does so in a sane, logical way.Move over, Dr. Laura: you're obsolete.The new therapist is in: Arielle Ford. What she writes makes perfect sense. You will ignore Wabi Sabi love at your own peril.It's one of the greatest relationship books I've ever read.The premise: treasure your mate's imperfections like cracks in a vase. Refrain from arguing and bickering over petty thinks. See the love that goes into your lover's actions. Nobody's perfect, so don't try to fix your lover's cracks.(Violence or abuse is NOT acceptable.)Though I'm not sure it would be acceptable to me if a guy dropped his clothes on the floor and left them there. Sorry, Arielle. less
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I like admitting imperfection and this book was all about that.
very very good book would like to own it
Good tips.
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