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Fallen Snow (2014)

by Aven Jayce(Favorite Author)
4.55 of 5 Votes: 2
Aven Jayce
review 1: wow ~ What a brilliant psychological read. Loved every second of this first book, a slow start but you need that to understand the whole picture of everyone's life and what has made them into the people they are now.Sophia is a fantastic character who has dealt with a crappy childhood and has sex like most people have meals, she is lost lonely and seeking warmth and true love. The only person she has ever loved is her best friend Mera, Mera is a strong woman who seems to have gone above and beyond true friendship.Cove he is something special, a lost little boy who has been used and abused, his mother Leondra is the sweetest along with her husband.Paul, Sophia's father is an evil, evil man who takes what he wants when he wants.Straight onto book 2 to see what happens next ... morein the tangled mess of lies and to see what NOVA is all about.
review 2: The Nova Trilogy, A great book, well written and hard to find a stopping point.The contents may be hard for some but sometimes, we have to adjust to reality. I am not a spoiler reviewer so you will have to read to know what I mean.I can offer this: there is nothing like this in the Erotica/Romance/Suspense Genre. I give all three a strong 5 star and cannot wait for Book 4. Yes, I am being vague, you will have to read to understand.Fallen Snow, Desert Star, Sunset Rush each are brilliant Nd with the talent of the Author, each flow beautifully into one another. This reader cannot wait to read more from Aven Jayce. less
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I love Fallen Snow!!! Couldn't stop reading until it was finished . Now for the next!!
Loved this book. I couldn't put it down.
on to book 2
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