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Extravagant Grace: God's Glory Displayed In Our Weakness (2013)

by Barbara R. Duguid(Favorite Author)
4.36 of 5 Votes: 4
1596384492 (ISBN13: 9781596384491)
Presbyterian and Reformed
review 1: Read this for our women's bible study at church. She was too inconsistent in her theology, made broad, sweeping generalizations in one chapter but then flushed it out well. This book is definitely not for a new believer as it could cause a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. The other annoyance I had was she did not make it clear when she was referencing/paraphrasing John Newton or if it was her own thought. For me, I equate it to being too similar to the parenting book of Give Them Grace by Fitzpatrick. There is a healthy relationship between discipline and grace and this one has swung too far to grace as well.
review 2: This is the best and most important book you may read in your Christian life. Barbara is transparent in sharing with you God's grace in h
... moreer life. For those of us who have dealt with the guilt of our sin and questioned the assurance of our faith, she offers the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to strengthen, encourage, and guide us in our daily walk with the Lord. Our sin is indeed vast, but the love of our Father is even vaster. For every glance we give to our sin, cast 100 glances at our faithful Lord Jesus Christ (McCheyne). less
Reviews (see all)
Loved this book-I need to retread to grasp it fully, but it is one that has left me changed!
Fantastic. You will be scandalized by this book. Grace is radical. Praise Jesus.
best book i've ever read
Simply a great read!
Highly recommended!
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