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Når Gud Hvisker (2010)

by Bill Hybels(Favorite Author)
4.02 of 5 Votes: 2
8770680396 (ISBN13: 9788770680394)
review 1: Dette her er en 100% læseværdig bog.Den er personlig og dyb på en ægte og ærlig måde, så hvis, du nogle gange syntes at Gud taler lige lovlig lavt eller slet ikke. Så bør du gribe denne bog til stører forståelse og indsigt. I hvad er gået forbi din næse og så gribe det, og lade dit liv blive vendt på hovedThis here is a 100% readable book.It is personal and deep in a genuine and honest way, so if you sometimes felt that God speaks a bit too low or not at all. Then you should grab this book for bigger understanding and insight. In what has gone past your nose and then grab it and let your life be turned upside down
review 2: Bill Hybels gives you a lot to think about - the people in your life who are strong enough to speak up when needed; the "coi
... morencidences" that are not; listening to God call you to a life of faith, justice and mercy. This is one that I'll read again with Bible hand in hand.Started this book last October, picked up the Kindle last night to read exactly what I needed last night, hmmn. how about that! less
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Great book read with our small group Bible study!
Awesome! Powerful! Life impacting!
following God's nudges...so good.
Awesome awesome awesome.
Great read
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