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Paper Angels (2011)

by Billy Coffey(Favorite Author)
3.88 of 5 Votes: 2
0446568236 (ISBN13: 9780446568234)
review 1: I hope that I can do this magnificent book justice with my review. I will give it my best shot, but just know that if I could give this book 10 stars, I would.We live in a world that has been completely and thoroughly brain-washed by "the power of positive thinking" and "prosperity preaching." We are required to smile at all times, think happy thoughts at all times, and suppress anything that be even the slightest bit "negative." No pain, no sadness, no loneliness is allowed here -- and not because it doesn't exist. Its existence is very real indeed. But we are forced to suppress it all for convenience and appearances.This is why Paper Angels is a soothing balm for souls that grieve. In the character of Andy, we can all see ourselves and what we have lost in life. And we t... moreake that journey with him, step by step, in uncovering our own grief and learning that our feelings are very real, and they are okay. I highlighted many many insightful passages in the book, but here are a handful:"Life was full of tragedy and there was no reasoning with it. Sometimes 'I'm sorry' is all you can say because it's all you should say.""To feel sadness did not mean I had no faith; it meant I had an abundance of it. It meant I could see things were not what they should be. What they were intended to be. That there had to be more. Better. It was not my fault and not my doubt that made me feel the way I did. I hurt for no other reason than because I was alive.""Happiness is an overrated emotion at best. ... No one's here for happiness. ... God wants people to dry tears and mend hearts. That's pretty much an impossible task until you've shed your own tears and had your own heart broken."As far as the story itself, I found it very moving and beautiful. And I will just say -- watch out for the ending. It will blow your mind and warm your heart.I would recommend this book to Mitch Albom fans and, honestly, everyone I know.
review 2: As mentioned in the synopsis, this book was not preachy. It starts out with Andy, who is in his 50's, in the hospital, recovering from burns. While there he goes through the wooden box with his 'therapist' and finds meaning behind things that otherwise would seem meaningless. An example of what's in the box is a homemade slingshot that he made while upset about birds in his grandparents yard. He received a lesson that day that you should practice patience and not let your anger and frustration overcome your circumstances. As you read, you can't help but to keep going on to find out what the meaning of the next item is. It's a very nice story! less
Reviews (see all)
Short stories that make up one's life can often add up to more than we know.
This is one of the best books I've read in a long time.
Very sentimental book but interesting to read.
another story along the lines of The Shack.
This was a great book!
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