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Een Boek Voor Beer (2014)

by Bonny Becker(Favorite Author)
4.13 of 5 Votes: 3
Hoogland & Van Klaveren
review 1: Bear owns seven books and can not imagine why mouse wants him to go to the library. Seven books is enough. Mouse attempts to find the perfect book for bear once he gets bear to the library, but it proves to be a tough job....at least until bear hears the librarian reading a story. This would be a great book to read to children to introduce them to the library. I loved the first quote that led into the story: "Bear had never been to the library. He had seven very nice books at home: three about kings and queens, three about honeybees, and one about pickles. Bear was quite sure he had all the books he would ever need."
review 2: “Bear had never been to the library. He had seven very nice books at home: three about kings and queens, three about honeybees, and o
... morene about pickles. Bear was quite sure he had all the books he would ever need.”Okay, maybe I’m easily amused but I just laughed out loud at that first page quote – and quickly ran and read it aloud to my library supervisor! Then, I carefully put the book aside … and raced home to read the book aloud to … my husband!! No kids in my house; just the overgrown big kid I married. My test run read-aloud on him worked like a charm: we were both so enchanted with the story and illustrations.I especially was thrilled that the librarian was not doing the shushing. And, unlike some others who have reviewed here, I am not bothered by the presence of shushing within the story. Why? Because so many patrons still think the library must be utterly quiet and still – and the only way to change that perception is to gently reeducate the patrons doing the shushing and show them that all are welcome regardless of level-of-voice!This is a spectacular read-aloud story. I can see it having huge popularity in storytimes. I personally am adding it to my arsenal of go-to picture book recommendations. Now … I’m off to request a copy for my nephews in Colorado! less
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What a fun book about finding out just how wonderful libraries and librarians can be!
I adore Bear. This is terrific.
"Bear is not very nice"
Very fun.
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