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The Dark Knight Manual: Tools, Weapons, Vehicles And Documents From The Batcave (2012)

by Brandon T. Snider(Favorite Author)
4.55 of 5 Votes: 5
1608871045 (ISBN13: 9781608871049)
Insight Editions
review 1: I have to say I really enjoy books like this one. The extras are getting more and more creative and, personally, I REALLY liked the extras in The Dark Knight Manual. There are several cards, photos and file-looking attachments. On the other hand, I feel that much more could have been done in terms of content. This book is a bit better than The Iron Man Manual, but the contents itself is not particularly good or mind-blowing.A good acquisition for any fan of the Dark Knight movies.
review 2: When I found out about this book, I knew I was going to die if I didn't order it that instant. So, I did. It turned out to be even better than I had expected it to be. An amazing big encyclopaedia-like book about Batman's gadgets, weapons and angles of attack - it had me jum
... moreping about like an excited little kid! I remembered the encyclopaedia's I used to find myself engrossed in as a child, and they weren't nearly as fun, beautifully designed and insightful as this one. Being a Batman fan (or more importantly being a Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy fan), I found this 'manual' invigorating. This isn't a book just to read. This is a book to keep and to keep re-reading all the time, to show off to all everyone who visits your home.I put it on a shelf next to my Noel Fielding's Madcap Shambleton book - they are the kind of silly books that should fill at least one shelf in every person's home.Beautiful and wonderful. less
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A lot of thought went into this book. Very well done and a great read for any Nolan batman fan.
sun scrapbook-type book from within the recent Batman trilogy
great book for fans of the batman trilogy(the new ones)
I love love love this so much!
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