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Tech World (2000)

by B.V. Larson(Favorite Author)
4.06 of 5 Votes: 5
Undying Mercenaries
review 1: Earth has been upped to a level two civilization and has to take on duties of policing the local stars. Tau Ceti has a huge space station and is filled with money hungry natives. Tech World (paper from Amazon) ‘s aliens have problem in that their clothes shape their opinion and a mercenary from another company has figured a way to get rich by creating a rebellion. This time James is the only survivor as two Earth mercenary companies are wiped to the last man. The lizards apparently control far more worlds than the Galactics guessed and they’re mad over the loss of their colony. James of course comes up smelling good. I’m waiting eagerly for next volume. Review printed in the Philadelphia Weekly Press
review 2: From My Newsletter Number 81:This review is
... more on Tech World by B.V. Larson. This is the third book in The Undying Mercenaries Series I have read by this writer.James McGill’s adventures continue in this story. James is back home in between missions. Things are looking up on the home front. His parents moved to a place in the countryside of Georgia. James got his own room, which was really a standalone shed attached to the old farm house. He gets a visit from his friend, Natasha. She spends the night and in the morning James is visited by the Hegemony Military Police with an arrest warrant. The situation gets out of hand and—you guessed it—James is killed once again.James has trouble with following orders. He has a very strong independence streak and this gets him into trouble with his superiors in Legion Varus. This time he must face Primus Galina Turov herself and explain his actions. The two of them have never seen eye to eye. She is a “rule-stickler” and James is a “rule-breaker”. She has tried several times to have James permanently killed, which James always seems to talk his way out of. This time James is informed that Legion Varus is mustering out once again.Legion Varus has a new assignment as the enforcers for the Galactic Empire. They are being sent to Tau Ceti, otherwise known as Tech World, for one whole year. They are to serve as body guards to the rich merchants living on Tech World replacing Legion Germanica. It should be an easy assignment, much better than the assignments on Steel World and Dust World. So they think.As you can imagine, things on Tech World are not what they seem. Legion Varus gets involved in some dirty affairs and the beings on Tech World rebel. James finds himself deep in trouble with his superiors and takes things into his own hands. Everyone around him is affected, and of course dying, by his decisions. I have come to consider James McGill as the Forest Gump of his time—well maybe a bit more troublesome.I give this book four stars because James McGill continues to entertain the reader with his unpredictable, but honorable, behavior. I vote that the author continues this series with more Legion Varus assignments to new worlds. less
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an easy read...I enjoy this series, but don't expect complex
I was a little disappointed in the ending.
A fun audio book series.
Third in series.
Great series
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