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Dust World (Undying Mercenaries) (2014)

by B.V. Larson(Favorite Author)
4.07 of 5 Votes: 3
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Undying Mercenaries
review 1: Valus is mud because of losing mercenary contracts, but Earth has a secret. Before the Galactics came they had sent out a colony ship. They’ve sent a radio signal home and it’s up to Valus to solve the problem. But there’s a bigger problem when their ship is attacked by lizards and they end up landing on Dust World (paper from Amazon) where they find that the lizards have a habit of capturing the colonists and turning them into slaves. The remaining colonists are fighters and don’t want anything to do with Valus let alone they came from Earth. The trick is to take out the lizard starship which involves dying again and again. Just as much fun.Review printed in the Philadelphia Weekly Press
review 2: The first 2 books have been great for what they are. A
... moremilitary space sci-fi series that doesn't require you to think too hard and are relatively easy reads. This is not a bad thing. Sometimes I just want a series I can read through in a couple days and this fits that and more. ProsInteresting world building concept. While the idea of a galaxy wide empire composed of hundreds of different races may not be realistic it is fun to read about. The interesting part comes down to Earth's once resource: fighting men and women. I like it because I think it has a chance to be fairly realistic (as far as these things go). It's believable that most races that discover space flight and interstellar travel have long put aside their petty differences and have formed a world government. It's reasonable to believe that some species may have evolved in ways that may have hindered the development of more efficient ways of killing each other. I like how the revival machines do come with a bit of a cost. These aren't fearless and immortal super soldiers we're dealing with. None of them want to die and they show it. I kinda wish Natasha's plan to save herself on the ship had succeeded so she could be executed (permed). It would have been nice to see a main character actually die off. ConsI really am beginning to dislike the main character. He's too superhuman. He has the answer to everything and somehow stumbles through intergalactic law by just running around and appealing shit. He constantly puts the missions in danger by disobeying orders and then it usually turns out well for him and his commanders look like idiots. For a group that prides itself on being free thinking they sure do like being narrow minded on things. If you enjoy this series you will probably enjoy others like The Lost Fleet by John Campbell and Honor Harrington by David Weber. Also, the Troy Rising series by John Ringo isn't too bad either. less
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very good read. Sail off to dust\world all you who dare
Outstanding, out of the box science fiction.
Excellent book well worth reading!
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