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The Case Of The Deadly Desperados (2011)

by Caroline Lawrence(Favorite Author)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 4
1444001698 (ISBN13: 9781444001693)
Orion Children's Books
The P.K Pinkerton Mysteries
review 1: Action packed? Yes. Twists and turns? Yes. Interesting main character? Yes. Fascinating historical setting? Yes. And I have to compliment the author on choosing this particular setting / timeline in U.S. history, as it's not one I typically see represented in middle grade fiction. So, why the two stars? The writing squarely fits a middle grade audience, but some of the subject matter -- though historically accurate -- does not extend to the age range that may pick up this book. I lead a youth book club that draws exclusively from the middle grades shelf and would not feel comfortable recommending this book given themes not suited to ages 9 - 11 or, at the very least, should be approached with discretion / involvement of a parent figure. The book club does not stray from to... moreugh material or controversial subjects, but this title ventures into territory that no 5th grade teacher (ex.) is going to tackle in the lit classroom.
review 2: This is a quirky little starter to a series about a 12-y.o. (whether a boy or girl is ambiguous)detective in Nevada during the American Civil War. Although obviously marketed for younger readers, Caroline Lawrence doesn't shy away from gunfights, smoky saloons, scalping, 'soiled doves' and general mayhem in the streets of Virginia City during the heady boom-time days of the Comstock Lode. I thoroughly enjoyed this page-turner as well as its sequel and I'm about to read the third book of the series. less
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It was a auction packed book, Funny and very serious at times it also included some good advice
If you like adventures and mysteries you should read this book. Very good book.
I can't wait for the next book in the series!
Audio July 2013.
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