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Sweep: Volume 5 (2011)

by Cate Tiernan(Favorite Author)
4.41 of 5 Votes: 5
0142420115 (ISBN13: 9780142420119)
review 1: I've enjoyed this series a lot. I became invested in this characters so much. I loved all of them, especially Morgan and Hunter. That being said, I'm very conflicted when it comes to this one, the last in the series. I think that she should have left it at Full Circle. The ending was good and everybody was happy. When I started Nights Child I almost threw the book away. I was so mad when I started reading the prologue but then I started feeling hopeful and then I was brutally let down again. Honestly I didn't finish reading this one at least not completely. And from what I saw in other reviews, well I didn't want to give it a chance because I heard it was just more of the same. A dark wave, a betrayal and just something very similar to Cal and His mother. So I just flipped... more to the end of the book and I really didn't feel like I missed much. I've never done this, but I just couldn't get through this book. I still got my happy ending and the book finished like how I thought it was supposed to but everything that happened in between wasn't needed in my opinion. Also you barely hear about the other characters that you have come to love. They are barely even mentioned. All I can say is I was really disappointed by the end of this amazing series. I gave it four stars because I really loved this series just not how it ended.
review 2: Reckoning. Full Circle. Night's Child. The final book just went ballistic, it contained perhaps a lifetime of pain and heartbreaks. Reading through the foreboding events was scary enough I was afraid to turn the pages. It was really soul-crushing to even try to move on. This bewitched series is perfect, I admit I fell in love with the characters and developed a bond through thick and thin all throughout the 15 books. This is just so wonderful I may find it a hard time to accept that it finally ended. It's like the feeling of ending credits all over again, when the last pages are turned it's difficult to think how to move on with my life. Perfect five. Wonderfully written, very good plot and I love how the characters have matured and grown all throughout. And the ending is just well-deserved. This Wicca, the Belwicket needs a movie or TV series tie-in. Like seriously. less
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it was one of the most thrilling books about whiches that i have ever read
Am very glad I own this series. Was very good and worth reading again.
I enjoyed every page of this series and am sad it is done.
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