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Sil Baştan (2014)

by Chelsea Fine(Favorite Author)
3.98 of 5 Votes: 1
Pegasus Yayınları
The Archers of Avalon
review 1: What an amazing read! The first few chapters went by like they do in most books but once it got going I couldn't put it down. There weren't any character that I didn't like and even at the end there are still plenty of mysteries that need solving. I loved Scarlet for not letting Gabriel and Tristan push her around all the time. It was nice to see her stand up for herself and walk away in some situations. It was also nice that she would use her brain. Sometimes she didn't want to do what they were saying but she thought it through and understood it was the best idea to stay safe. I ended up adoring Heather. At first it seemed like she would be the annoying, selfish highschool girl but pretty soon she became more. Her love for Scarlet and Scarlet's safety was wonderful. Heat... moreher had no issues trying to catch Gabriel in lies or outright promising him bodily harm if he hurt Scarlet. My only hope is that she is allowed into the secrets in the next book. Heather would be a wonderful addition to the group.I cannot wait to get into the next book!
review 2: OMGoodness are you serious you're going to leave us hanging like that! Wait let me back up. This book is amazing I do not believe it's the author's first but it's amazing. I was slightly bugged by the fact that you don't come out and tell me all the details to begin with but it keeps you wanting to read to find out. And guess what I have about a zillion hypothesis about the situation at hand and none of them are answered. I just ordered the next one but it will probably be a month or so for the ILL to get it to me. But either way I think you're gonna be "Team Archer" here! less
Reviews (see all)
Oh! Noooooooo.... I loved this book. Tristan you have my heart.... Ahhhhhh! 'Scar'
I love this series. It is friggin funny and just a very awesome.
A nice quick read. Can't wait to read the rest of the series.
Tristian and Scar are so cute I just can't deal!!!
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