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Sophie & Carter (2011)

by Chelsea Fine(Favorite Author)
3.83 of 5 Votes: 2
1935089447 (ISBN13: 9781935089445)
Acacia Publishing
review 1: And who says a story has to be bogged down with unnecessary characters and plot twists for it to be interesting? Sophie & Carter is simply a novella about two people who have loved each other for a long time, leaning on each other in order to survive through each day. That's it. Chelsea Fine kept it simple but also got to showcase her tremendous writing skills and this is one little story that will do doubt touch your heart. Let me keep it simple as well
review 2: Ok, so normally I read more "happy-go-lucky," romantic tension-filled, light, fun reads. This was not that kind of book. But not in a bad way. It was heartbreakingly beautiful and sweet. There was more to this novella than some full-length novels. Not all teenagers' lives are cotton candy-filled exis
... moretences, where the biggest problem is deciding what to wear to school. Sometimes their lives suck and they are forced to be adults long before their time. Such is the case with Sophie and Carter. They are seniors in high school and next door neighbors. They don't talk at school (or at least rarely), and no one knows they even know each other, other than being neighbors. But every night, after everyone is in bed, they meet on Sophie's front porch swing, and just sit. And this has been the brightest part of their day for as long as they've done it. See, ever since Carter was a little boy, his father physically abused him and his mom. Until one day (not long before the present time), he finally was big enough and old enough to fight back. The parts of the book that were hard to read were when Carter or Sophie would briefly remember an incident with his dad. The fact that a parent could ever harm their child is despicable and beyond my comprehension. But it happens all the time. Due to the abuse, his mom was left mentally insane, constantly see things that weren't there (and would think they were after her, causing her to be a danger to herself)...and Carter lovingly took care of her. But despite anything that ever happened, Sophie was always there for Carter, silently loving him, being his rock, giving him something constant to look forward to every day. Sophie's mom was a prostitute and would be gone for months at a time, leaving Sophie in charge of her three younger siblings. They would last as long as they could until they were bone-dry money and food-wise, then she would track her mom down and get enough money to get by. And Carter was her rock. He would give them food, fix things, help with the Littles ( her siblings)...and again, he in turn was her constant.Deep down, they know they love each other, but eventually finally come to realize it and voice it. The story ends "happily," and you're left hoping for a fresh start for all of them...obviously, it won't be all candy and roses; it'll be harder than hard, but you're left feeling like if anyone can make it through the other side and their love be stronger, it's Sophie and Carter.Content: clean; some violence when thinking back on Carter's father's abuse. less
Reviews (see all)
That was far too sweet and far too short. I loved it.
Un libro corto y entretenido si buscas algo rápido.
Such a cute little book. (:
4 Stars.
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