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Roast Mortem (2010)

by Cleo Coyle(Favorite Author)
4.02 of 5 Votes: 3
0425234592 (ISBN13: 9780425234594)
Berkley Hardcover
Coffeehouse Mystery
review 1: In this latest story in the Coffeehouse Mysteries by Cleo Coyle, Claire is nose-deep in a series of bombings of local coffee shops.  Not only is she worried her beloved Village Blend may be on the target list, but one of her staff, as well as her former mother-in-law and herself were near fatalities in the bombing of an acquaintance's shop.  So Claire sets out to learn who is behind the bombings and why.  Her undercover investigation brings her in too close proximity with her detective boyfriend's cousins, Michael Quinn.  The two cousins don't see eye to eye, having an old feud that still lingers between them.  So when Michael Quinn makes a pass at Claire, things really begin to heat up, in more ways than one.
review 2: There is a coffeehouse arsonist in t
... moreown. After Claire and Dante are caught in a blast, Claire is on the case to clear her friends name. This leads her to the NYFD and a group of New York's bravest. There she is harassed by her boyfriend's en-strangled cousin. Her relationship with Mike is rocky because of this and the arsonist is now targeting The Blend. These characters never get old...love this series! less
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Good Book. Something different for a change
really good read...very suspensful!
Another good one!
Nice twist.
3.5 Stars
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