Hey people,I decided to come up with a series Chronicles of Deedee, it’s going to be several stories about different events that actually happened in my life (true life stories) for real. 

I am sure you will enjoy reading the stories as much as I would enjoy writing them. 

So my name is Deedee and this is my first story.


In primary school you are expected to not know too much about many things like love, in fact what’s a love? But I guess some things just happen.

Wale was my classmate back then in Primary 5, I can’t really remember how old I was. I had a crush on Wale( he was the first dude I ever liked). I felt I was in love with him anyway, I had goosebumps whenever he came to class and he always came with a lot of snacks in his lunch bag. 

We actually talked to each other but he never knew I really really liked him. Back then we didn’t have personal phones but our parents had landlines so we exchanged numbers and after school I would call him and we would talk for a long time on the phone (he never called me). It was so much his mom picked the call one day and told me never to call her number again. 

Sometimes after school we would chill in class before our aides came to get us from school, most times I wished we lived close to each other. 

One precious, bold, I don’t care day came and I decided to write a letter to Wale. In this letter I had literally removed my heart from my chest and put it in the paper. I was shy to give him in person and I wanted to form surprise so I put it in his lunch box when he wasn’t looking (huge mistake). I was beaming from ear to ear when I got home because I already imagined he read it and prolly felt the same way. 

Well, bubbles are meant to get burst right?. Wale called me (for the first time), you can imagine how I felt, but to my greatest surprise he told me how his mom found the letter before him, guys I’m not joking I almost collapsed; he told me how she just kept shouting and asking ‘who’s Ndidi?’, I don’t know how it didn’t occur to me that she actually packed his food and she most likely would see it first, I should have been bold and brave enough to give him the letter but no I wanted to form romantic girl, a romantic primary 5 girl. I told him I was sorry and he said he’s not angry but his mother is and she’s coming to look for me in school the following day, tears dropped, I couldn’t hold it anymore, I couldn’t understand why and how my plan failed, everything that was happening was far from what I had imagined. I just told him I was sorry again and he hung up

I wanted the ground to swallow me, how was I supposed to face his mother the following day, I had a lot going through my mind at the same time, I was so restless, till I finally fell asleep

I woke up the following day wishing it was all a dream, no girl, Mrs Soyombo was coming to school to get you, it felt like a horror movie, the boogey woman was coming to get me for being a naughty child.

I got to school that morning, still fidgeting

Wale came, we talked and he tried to calm me down but I just couldn’t, the devil was at work that day also because the day ended very fast and parents started strolling in.

Guys, no jokes, Wale’s mom came to get him that day, see, I ran, I fled the class, I disappeared. I wasn’t going to let her see me, embarrassment wasn’t my portion. I was breathing heavily, I wasn’t myself at all, I had imagined all the horrible things she would prolly say to me and the embarrassment I was going to face and how my parents were going to kill me at home and how my brother was going to laugh at me. Love, look what you made me do was all I could think, I just kept wishing I gave him the letter in person. I was running mad I asked myself who even taught me how to write love letter in primary school eh, I scolded myself so bad.

What happened then? I am sure you expected it to end badly, of course it didn’t, (hallelujah) she just left the school with her son walking beside her, she didn’t look for me or bother to ask her son about me, the heavens heard my voice that morning and prolly wiped her memory, that was when I knew God really had my back and I was truly His child. I was still very paranoid for the rest of the week, just waiting for her to enter the class and say ‘who’s Ndidi?’ But she never did (lucky me)

How did it go with wale and I?

The crush died, I literally didn’t like him anymore after the whole thing happened and well he never actually felt the same way in the first place.

We talked in class normally and he never mentioned the letter again and sometimes we’d share his snacks (trust me it was a lot, he was a foodie and junk food advocate lol).

Anyways, he left school in primary 5 while I continued till primary 6 and that was how we stopped talking (till date)

The end 

I am so sure you enjoyed the story, I have more for you and most likely another love letter story (I was a love letter guru lol).

See you soon!
Best blogging regards

PS: Just incase you know Wale Soyombo, please tell him to contact me LOL!

Images from Google 

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