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Butterfly Palace (2014)

by Colleen Coble(Favorite Author)
3.56 of 5 Votes: 3
1595547835 (ISBN13: 9781595547835)
Thomas Nelson
Butterfly Palace
review 1: I usually really like Colleen Coble's books, but this one was really hard to stomach. One of the main issues I had with it was that Lily would tell whoever she wanted to about the things that were supposed to be of utmost secrecy. After the third person she told I was truly rolling my eyes and ready to call it quits on the story. How is Andy supposed to be undercover with the secret service if everyone knows who he is? Some of the relationships seemed thrown together. Plus Lily and Andy's romance wasn't very well developed. It relied too heavily on the point that they had a previous life together and this crazy connection, which made it so Andy wanted to sleep with Lily every time they were together (okay, I'm exaggerating with that part slightly, but it was still brought ... moreup multiple times). Overall I've read stories by Colleen Coble that were better written.
review 2: If you're looking for great Historical Romantic Suspense... keep looking. 'Cause it sure isn't here.Good thing I downloaded this title for free. I've repeatedly tried to read several different books by this author, for her premises always sound intriguing, but as yet not one single story has held my interest. The writing feels hurried and thoughtless, the characters shallow and unlikable, the suspense obvious, and don't even get me started on the editorial problems like plot inconsistencies and historical inaccuracy. Very disappointing overall. less
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A perfect blend of suspense and romance.I enjoyed every minute!
@ the library F Cob
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