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O Segredo Dos Tudor (2014)

by C.W. Gortner(Favorite Author)
3.65 of 5 Votes: 3
The Spymaster Chronicles
review 1: Good read. This historical fiction takes place just before Mary daughter of Queen Katherine of Aragon was crowned.....just a few years before one of my favorite books , historical fiction by Phillipa Gregory, The Virgins Lover, takes place. I've read a lot of Phillipa Gregory and still maintain she is my favorite Elizabethan historical fiction author. However, it was interesting and fun to read a male interpretation/imagination of the same time period. I liked the main character, and all the plot twists. I did feel like every other second he was being captured, beaten and miraculously saved....that got a little tiresome. But still an exciting and interesting read.
review 2: I was a little hesitant to jump on board with this book. I wasn't sure I would like it.
... more I have no idea why because I ended up really loving this book.I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Brendan Prescott. His story was completely predictable but I love how he manages to work all sides of the fence. Everyone doubts his true loyalties, but yet they like what he can do for them. He's willing to put his neck on the line and they are more than happy to let him! When he learns a little bit of the truth of who he really is, he takes it into stride. I also think it explains his loyalty.I enjoyed reading about the conspiracy behind King Edward's death. It may not have happened exactly like that, but it made for an exciting story. I also enjoyed reading about the plot to put Jane Grey on the throne. I've never heard it from this type of point of view. I think most exciting to me was the portrayal of Robert Dudley. Historical fiction tends to romanticize him, branded the man that Elizabeth could never have. I have read a few that paint him a little darker. But, his version of Robert is down right unlikable. He painted as selfish and conniving and left me doubting whether he really ever cared for Elizabeth. A book that fits into my favorites of dramatized Tudor historical fiction. I can't wait to read the next one! less
Reviews (see all)
Can't wait to read the next one. Loved this historical fiction book.
Another take on King Henry VIII's children and the throne of England.
I quite enjoyed it. If there's another one, I'll probably read that!
Great read can't wait to read the next book.
Great historical fiction
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