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Broken Embrace (2014)

by Dana Mason(Favorite Author)
4.39 of 5 Votes: 2
Dana Mason
review 1: I knew this series would lead me to a 5 star review !! The synopsis had me with the past , present future bit !! I am a sucker for the childhood sweetheart thing and especially when a huge chunk of time has gone by and they are finally brought back together !! This book has that and so much more !!Melissa came back to town when her twin sister , Ali's baby was kidnapped. We know get Melissa's story. I LOVE MELISSA !! Love the background, Melissa and Brian , Ali and Mark childhood sweethearts suppose to go on and live happily ever after married with children. We know this happened for Ali and Mark , though it did not last , but why not Melissa and Brian ?? Well in the midst of this childhood fourseome came Julie....best friend to all but also a very lonely girl.Melissa goes... more off to school but her and Brian plan to stay together and pick up where they left off in a matter of years. That is until Julie steps in....now in the present we have Brian and Julie married for 17 years with 2 great kids ?? Melissa has been gone for 17 years and now back they have to face their ruined relationships and try to salvage them best they can. In the meantime things are happening with Brian's daughter Erin that only Melissa knows about. Brian's life is slowly falling apart and all Melissa can do is watch while she tries to finally build a happy relationship with Chase. Not so easy once Brian catches his wife cheating and then loses her in an accident. I mean talk about twists and turns , I swear this all happens in the first few chapters. This story has so many parts to it. Brian cannot pick up the broken pieces of his life without Melissa's help , she is more than willing to oblige. This leads them to many heart to heart conversations and some admissions that may finally piece together the past 17 years and bring them to a new beginning. The bigger story comes towards the end....Erin's story is heartbreaking. What she went through , what she saw , secrets she kept and finally when it all comes to a head and the truth comes out. We see this whole gang come together to help this family heal and find happiness.
review 2: Oh my goodness! Broken Embrace is every bit as suspenseful as its two predecessors. And the suspense is gut-wrenching and very relevant. But I think it's the romance that gives Broken Embrace a completely different feel. Maybe because I couldn't help but feel Melissa and Brain really deserved their second chance. Maybe because I felt Brian's young family deserved some happiness as well. Whatever it was, I was racing through to see what would happen.Melissa Parker has loved Brian Hammel her whole life. It was supposed to be the two of them forever. So she was understandably devastated when Brian married their best friend, Julie, with no explanation. It's taken a long, long time for Melissa to recover but she finally was able to move on - to open her heart tom someone else. And to reconnect with Julie and her kids - but not quite with Brian. When certain events bring to light Julie's betrayals, Melissa knows she has to be there to support Brian and his children.Brian Hammel, whom I'd met in the two previous installments, is a man dedicated to his job as a cop, and dedicated to his family. So Julie's betrayal comes as quite a shock to him. At first, he wants to wallow in his own pain. But with Melissa's help, he realizes he needs to be present for his children. As Brian works towards rebuilding his family, he realizes he has a rare second chance to put everything right with Melissa as well.Witnessing the turmoil and the joy as these two find their way back to one another was heartbreaking and soul-mending. These two souls, whom fate chose to keep apart for so long, had quite the journey back. And although I wouldn't wish on anyone the events that brought them back together, I was elated that fate gave them a second chance.Brian's kids, Erin and Cody, were big parts in the story - especially Erin. Ms. Mason did an excellent job of developing them. I appreciated that because the relationship between their dad and Melissa affected them and I was glad they were considered. Watching Erin's struggles with the secrets she was hiding broke my heart. It's difficult enough being a teenager, but to add on keeping her mother's secret as well as her own was really challenging. Erin was very brave though and did what she felt she had to in order to protect others from suffering.I think this may be my favorite in the series so far. I can't put my finger on the why - maybe the character growth? - but Broken Embrace resonated differently in me. The story pulled me in and held me in its grip til the end. And I'm quite curious to see who the next installment will focus on. **I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.** less
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Best of the series!!!
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